Please register with us using the form below, so we can stay in contact with you and make sure you get updated information.  Enter names as they should appear on nametags.  Registration Forms must be received October 10, 2016.  If you prefer to send your registration form and payment by mail, please download the full registration package HERE reunion-registration-packetr, and return to Deidre (Dee Dee) Henriott at the address provided in the package.  This package is also being mailed to all known alumni addresses for your convenience.

Your Details

We may create an Alumni Packet which will contain classmate's names, street addresses, email addresses and phone numbers along with any additional information provided. The intent is to give each classmate an Alumni Packet to help us stay in touch with each other. This information is collected on a protected server and will not be used or shared for any other than the stated purpose.

If you do NOT want your contact or personal information included, please check the Opt-Out button at the end of this form, and it will NOT be included in the Alumni Packet.

I want to join the group for the football game Friday night!
I want to come to the Dinner at Hawk's Point Saturday evening 4;00-7:00 pm !
I want to come to the Halloween Costume Party at Hawk's Point , 8:00 pm until !
Do you want your contact or personal information included in the Alumni Packet?